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Implementation and innovation

Our aim is to represent the brand and its values with as much motivation and energy as if we were the owners of the brand ourselves. We pursue a holistic approach which includes all areas from the presentation in the trade, planning and participation in regional trade fairs, artist relation management as well as social media management.
Close cooperation between the manufacturer and us is not only a requirement for mutual success, but also builds the framework for us to take on tasks outside of the usual field of activity of a distributor.
In 1993, for example, we designed the products of ENGL amps (tops, cabinets, pre- and power amps) and introduced technical innovations in ENGL tube power amplifiers. Some say that our design was groundbreaking for ENGL amps, we like to speak of it as a successful and sustainable collaboration. We have also developed and implemented innovative concepts in the field of marketing and advertising.
One of these innovations was introduced by us as the “cross” special format for advertisements in trade magazines. The immense inquiries we triggered for similar special formats have unfortunately led to the fact that trade magazines now only allow standard formats.